Episode 6

Encourage Better Episode 6

There is still road ahead to travel along.

There is time in 2020 to do things you want to do.

I feel this so deeply and hope to share my thoughts with you in today’s podcast episode!

Transcript of today’s episode is below. Thanks for spending time with me!

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Life is amazing. I was in the midst of recording this episode, and it is a thing that happens every Wednesday at two o'clock on the nose: that the tsunami alarm sounds here. As many of you may have heard, recently, there was a huge earthquake in Alaska, and subsequently the tsunami alarm went off and we were evacuated to, to move to higher ground. Everyone was safe, the ensuing tsunami didn't actually present itself here, no damage was done. But it's something that happens every Wednesday, two o'clock, the tsunami alarm goes off. Well, the last time it went off, and people here are in remote areas, and it is to broadcast all over our great big island to warn everyone, you know, safe ground, search out higher ground, you know, get up and get away from the coast. Well, the new alarm system that has just recently been put in, had some issues and it was a bit softer than the previous sound that came across. And they were planning on making an adjustment. And today at two o'clock in the midst of recording actually wrapping up the recording. I thought we were being shaken. I thought someone had grabbed hold of my house and we're shaking it and rattling my teeth. The tsunami alarms now are plenty loud. I could feel them deep in my bones. And so I am now recording this.

So aloha friend today we aren't kayaking or romping through the woods. I'm here at my writing desk with a few thoughts. I feel compelled to share, but I'm going to share them again without the tsunami interruption. And I feel so compelled to share these with you that if I don't I I really believe that I will implode? Have you ever been so driven, at the core of view, your essence, about sharing a thought or the start of a conversation that that desire is so consuming, and by not saying it will make you pop or drop or worse barf. I do have moments that I feel prompted deep deep in my spirit to say or share or do or come alongside of someone. And when I go counter to that prompting, it does not sit well with me. And by that I mean I don't set well. So here are those thoughts that I'd like to share. And hopefully as I share these things, you are going to be happily knitting some rows, or get a few rounds worked. Or maybe you're weaving in ends. And I hope that the task is more enjoyable as we talk together.

I want 2020 to be the start of something different. Yes, you did hear that right? This is being recorded towards the end of 2020. And I do mean 2020 not 2021 I want 2020 to be the start of something different. I do not want to hang all of my hopes on 2021 being different and better. And the start of something new. There's something about waiting until then, that makes it seem as if I'm stuck in the here and now rather than the truth that I am living and knitting in the here and now. So my friend I am choosing like stop drop make a choice for setting into motion things now rather than waiting till January 1 2021. Because there is a possibility that I am going to be waiting with huge expectations for January 1 2021 to come and it's not going to be a change from where I am and what is going on.

"So what's going on Mel?" Right? Well, there's a lot, but for the purpose of our time together today, I want to think about strategies and activities, or mentoring and actions. I get excited. So, so excited about all the new possibilities. And that's not just a New Year's thing for me. I have that feeling daily. I know sometimes people think that my personality of being really optimistic is a bit strange. But it's all I know. And yes, for the record, I do have bad days, I have moments that are knocked down, take the wind out of my sails make my heartbreak kind of moments. But every day, I have this feeling that I get a fresh start. I get a fresh Monday, every every single day.

And that isn't just in my daily life. Oh my goodness, in my knitting. It seems like I cast on a shiny new whip daily. I've got a new work in progress on my needles. And yeah, maybe it's not every day. That's a bit of hyperbole. But seriously, like, I get a couple or five a month going knew for sure. Some, I spent a lot of thought on for the preparation and planning. I go into my crafty space. And I look through all of my stash. And I pick up one skein of yarn, and then I set it in a place and then I grab a couple other ones. And then I start thinking but what if, and so I grab some more. And before I know it, I have this pile of possibilities. And it is so exciting. Right? Do you ever feel that way? Like it's such a great, excited feeling.

Now, I will say other times there is absolutely no planning. There's no strategy. I just grab something and go. I just want to get it on my needles and start the new thing. Do you relate to this? Do you ever see the newest pattern from the Instagram feed? That just seems to be like oh, what was his name? Sir his Do you remember him sir his and Robin Hood, the cartoon. And he draws in whomever looks with his swirly twirly eyes and his his his kind of calming nature for sir john, wasn't it search on Prince john Prince john. I'm raising both of my hands because I can totally get sucked into must knit that now itis. And I can get sucked in in a New York minute, like, no effort at all. And I'm wondering, am I alone? Are you nodding your head? I love the enthusiasm and the excitement that I find and feel Oh, my word. I do feel happy and tingling, with joy, with the preparation with the planning with the dreaming with the scheming and plotting those preparations, it's just so good. But it hasn't always been a practice that yields successful feelings. Sometimes, oftentimes, I would cast on, net a bit set aside, come back six days, maybe six weeks later. And where am I on this chart? What now? And why did I pick up this project? Now? It's not that I'm dumb. I mean, it's, I know what I was doing. But I just couldn't remember where I was. And yeah, I could figure it out. That's the thing. I would sit down and figure out where am I on the chart. And wait a minute. I'm doing these increases. And I have a mark here. Now, it doesn't look like my increased number is matching the patterns. So okay. Hmm. And when I worked through all of these things, I did figure it out. It took the initial Higher 10 minutes that I had set aside for a little bit of sneaky nit time. It set me up for disappointment that I wasted time trying to figure out where I was. But even more I would seriously for get why I was knitting this particular project, or what specifically drew me into this. Looking at the lace, entreloc, hot water bottle cover, I blink blankly and be all, is this being knit for a reason? Okay, I'm sure it is. But what was I thinking when I cast it on? Now, mind you, not necessarily: What in the world was I thinking?!?! But honest and sincere? Melissa, What were you thinking,



hoping to achieve,

desiring to learn,

consumed to create

with this particular project.

And you know, it has taken me years, and years to discover how to embrace all the things I want to do. And I do want to do all the things at once, in a way that allows me that allows me and my process, to move towards excellence, to consider the intent of my creative endeavors, right? To be boldly curious, and intentionally creative. And now I can really cast on all the things all the time, and not miss a beat when they call me to pick them back up. After my wandering needles and wandering heart have taken me somewhere else. But this is my personality. As I shared in one of my video podcasts, it's up on YouTube, I think it's also on Instagram TV, but it's about gift knitting and bear tracks. I'll drop the link to that in the episode shownotes. So you can see that if you haven't, but I shared there how I do have ADD/ADHD. And my attention span at times is well, it's pretty abbreviated. And it's not something that I want to push away from, I want to recognize it and and kind of bring it in to be part of me.

Now, you may be the one thing at a time knitter. And so my system of organizing UFOs, unfinished objects and whips, works in progress may not be as necessary. But I also employ a system to call it a system. But it is I I have a way that I do things that work. And I repeat that over and over and it becomes a habit or a system. Or can you give me a better word, seriously, feel free to drop one out to me. But I have a system of being present in the pattern. And the free pumpkin pattern is a small example, alluding to that. And if you knit that free pattern gift, you may have noticed what I think is important. Well, you know what? Actually, I know it's actually necessary for all of us human knitters. And something that I know 2020 has spotlighted for sure. And it is this:

We are created to be creative, but not in a vacuum. Not in isolation.

I know so many of us are tired of being distant from one another. We all at some level need and will grow, improve and thrive in community with others. And something even more wonderful to me is knowing that I can be mentored in my creativity. And I actually have a desire to mentor others. Not touchy feely, you can do so many wonderful things. No, I mean, that is fine. And it is true. And yes, you can do so many wonderful things.

But mentoring gives another human permission to be intentional with your growth and the journey for you to grow into your fullest potential.

And I've got something amazing that I cannot wait to share with you. But first, let me give you an actionable activity. Actually, I'm going to give you two for this podcast. So number one, right now, chances are, you are knitting or you're crocheting, or you have some crafty engagement going on with your hands right now. Every day. Okay, record this moment. Yes, right now, we actually not right this very second. Wait, just one more second. And let me tell you how. And then you can go and do it.

Alright, so ready. If you have a paper pattern for your project, or the digital version, find a space and write today's date. Right, where you are in the pattern, and capture, right? How you think it's going. That's it. That is all for step one. Put me on pause and do it. Like right now. If you are still listening, and knitting or cross stitching, or crochet or macro may even coloring, don't let this opportunity for an exercise be wasted. Your future self might love the action, the very simple action, I'm encouraging you to try. I pinky promise that I will be right here. When you finish. You can jot down the date, what part of the pattern you are doing, whether you like it, or why you like it? Or maybe you don't like it, write that down too!

Okay, have you come back to me? Great. It was a small step. But we're going to build on this. And I think you're gonna like where we're going. So now here's action number two, I am going to be sharing some wonderful things very soon. And I want you I want you to be part of it. So head over to encourage better.com. And in the menu, you are going to see mentored(M-e-n-t-o-r-e-d). Click that and sign up for the free updates. “Wait Mel, I'm already a subscriber.”

Well, good. I love it. I'm so appreciative that you subscribe. But you're gonna want to do this to ensure that you are tagged and sorted into the right place to hear first, because well, because I will be telling those folks on that list more about my delightful project first. And so you want to be there.

All right, I want to hear from you. This episode's blog post is linked in the show notes. And if you have question, something that we could go through together, you can post questions on the blog in the comments. And if you're going to be over there on the website, signing up to hear about my online, live masterclass with the mentoring thing before everybody else... you might as well pop over to the podcast blog via the link and weigh in.

Share your frustration with how you manage your whips and your unfinished projects.

Or talk about how you are nailing it and maybe you're a monogamous knitter and explain how that works for you.

Well, you could also want to rant on about what 2020 messed up, but how you are with me and you refuse to let it end without you owning it.

What are your goals?

What are your hopes I'm here to listen to you too, you know!

As always, I am super excited and so honored to spend today with you. I do believe that you are on the other side of here listening to me. And I know that my voice is connecting with you, you who are created intentionally, on purpose with purpose to be a person who creates themselves.

You are a treasure and I am so thankful that you choose to spend this time with me.

I am looking forward to our next time together. Bye for now!


Add to the Knitting Pie! Special Episode #7


Episode 5