How to knit when you keep dropping stitches
Dropping stitches is a frustrating but inevitable part of knitting. Whether it’s a tricky pattern or a moment of distraction, every knitter faces this challenge. In this post, I share my experiences with dropped stitches—not just in yarn, but in life—and how I’ve worked to pick them back up. From practical tips to reflections on grief, resilience, and finding joy in knitting, this is a story every knitter can relate to…

Hand-spun, Hand-knit Socks Are The Answer
Hand spun, hand knit socks are the perfect solution for any knitting problem you may be facing. Especially a knitting slump! Lost your knitting mojo? This will help!

Fun With The Felix Cardigan
A few days before summer, and my brain issues the alert: YOU NEED A SWEATER! Specifically, I need to knit a cardigan, the Felix Cardigan specifically, despite the fact I have numerous other sweaters on my knitting needles. However, I do not have a cardigan in the mix… read more to see what happens when you know you need to cast on a cardigan for winter in the middle of sock kinitting in summertime…

Finding A Perfect Color Palette To Knit Your Sweater
Imagine knitting with a color palette that resonates with your own personal experiences and connection with nature. It sounds magical, right? Well, that's exactly what we'll be exploring together…
Unraveling the Mysteries of Linen: A Journey into Knitting and Creativity
Unravel the mysteries of linen: A journey into knitting and creativity shares a Master knitting class experience for free! The Linen workbook includes a free pattern, journal templates to record your thoughts about projects and fibers you are using as you knit, crochet, or spin. Discover all the differences between linen and wool.

Stitching Towards Success: Setting Achievable Knitting Goals
Use leftover yarns from various knitting projects to create unique yarns made by you! Get excited about busting through stash yarn bits and create custom yarns for whatever you want to knit!

Nightshift Shawl
The NightShift Shawl by Andrea Mowry provided more than a cozy knit, it was a knitting adventure!

Swaddle Pals
Leo the Lion, created from Swaddle Pals pattern by Susan B. Anderson helped lift my spirits. It was such a pleasure to knit from this pattern!
![Knit a [Happy] Hat](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e50d1c18b8fc46157eb6898/1615188179932-DCENWMBJ414CU5J4B8PW/tempImagefs1YVT.gif)

Keeping Merry and Bright
I knit a whole elephant from scrap yarns…and still had enough left over to knit a bear. I share how to knit them both, and some tips on how to make a merry and bright home for them to live, which provides a terrific gift for any child on your “must knit for” list.
Knit Bears
If you have tiny bits of scrap yarn left over from projects, with a little time you can make a wee little bear (and friends) that have a HUGE happy factor!

Simple Single Skein Hat (that turns you in to a knitting fairy!)
Time outdoors with knitting is a perfect way to create. Join me in Kodiak, Alaska! I am sharing a quick free pattern to make a handknit hat, as well as how to be a friend to local wildlife.